onsdag den 2. januar 2008


Dette er min kopi af en Ludwig Greiner papmaché dukke. Hun er lavet helt autentisk med den originale krop, kjole, læderarme og kopi af det originale papirsmærke på bagsiden af skulderhovedet.
This is my copy of a Ludwig Greiner Papermaché doll. She is made quite like the antique with the original Body, dress, leather arms and a copy of the original paper label on the back of the shoulderhead.

2 kommentarer:

Carole sagde ...

Hi Lone. Your blog is wonderful. I can't read it, LOL, but I certainly enjoyed the photos of the beautiful dolls. It was so nice to find you. Hope all is well! Come over for a visit. I would love to hear from you.
Take good care.

Lone Pierette sagde ...

Hi car. So good to hear from you.Thanks a lot for the nice words. Are you doing all right ?
Hugs Lone